St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学的优秀奖学金是根据你高中三年的累积平均成绩(大一到大三)颁发的。, rigor of courses and SAT or ACT scores*. SAT考试中批判性阅读和数学部分的最佳结合, or the ACT score, whichever is higher, will be used for award consideration for freshmen.
学生可以使用我们的净价计算器来决定他们的优异奖, financial aid package, and the net price of attending St. Bonaventure University.
*St. Bonaventure has adopted a new test optional policy.
Presidential Scholarships
具有优异学术成绩的学生将获得我们最负盛名的学术奖项:St. Bonaventure Presidential Scholarship. The yearly award amount is $26,000*. 这项奖学金每年可续签,四年的总金额为10.4万美元,条件是.25 or better cumulative grade point average is maintained.
Friars Scholarship
In keeping with the goals of Franciscan education, 圣博纳文蒂尔大学的修士通过修士的贡献服务提供奖学金. This scholarship fund recognizes academically gifted freshmen. The award amount is $25,000*. 这项奖学金每年可续签,为期四年,总额为10万美元.0 or better cumulative grade point average is maintained.
Provost Scholarship
这些奖项颁发给学业成绩优异的新生. The award amount is $24,000*. 这项奖学金每年可续期,四年总额为96 000美元,条件是.75 or better cumulative grade point average is maintained.
Achievement Grant
奖学金提供给学业成绩优异的新生,金额为$19,000*. 这项奖学金每年可续签,四年的总金额为76,000美元,条件是.5 or better cumulative grade point average is maintained.
Incentive Grant
The St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学奖励奖学金适用于没有资格获得任何其他优异奖的学生. The grant is for $12,000* and is renewable annually for a four-year total of $48,000, provided that a 2.0 or better cumulative grade point average is maintained.
Sibling Grant
The St. 如果来自同一直系亲属的两个或两个以上的兄弟姐妹在同一学期同时注册为全日制本科学生,则可以获得博纳文图尔大学兄弟姐妹助学金. 补助金为每学期250美元(或每名学生每年最多500美元)。. This grant does not apply to graduate students. 如果学生正在接受助学金,则不适用此助学金, scholarship or award that covers full tuition.
Junior Scholarship - Bonnie Scholarship
邦妮奖学金颁发给高中三年级的学生. At St. Bonaventure, 我们方济各会的社区和服务价值观是我们身份的基石, mission, and culture. 该奖学金根据反映我校核心价值观的品质来奖励学生, including academic excellence, community, integrity, wisdom, leadership, social responsibility, compassion, and an appreciation for diversity. The yearly award amount is $20,000*. 这项奖学金每年可续期,四年的总金额为8万美元.
*注:青年学者奖获得者将获得青年学者奖, if they qualify, a larger merit-based scholarship at the time of application. 如果符合条件,更大的优秀奖学金将取代JR奖学金. Learn more about the High School Junior Scholarship.
Jandoli Scholarship
这个传播学院的奖项是为了表彰那些有学术成就记录的新生, 正在攻读全球网赌十大网站与大众传播或战略传播与数字媒体学位. 该奖学金至少为1,000美元,并可根据令人满意的学习成绩续签. 获奖者必须有88或更高的高中GPA和26的SAT阅读成绩.5 or higher or ACT English or Reading score of 21.5 or higher.
There is no application for this scholarship. 上述标准将用于学生的入学申请,以供奖励考虑, as well as financial need (freshmen).
St. Marianne Cope Scholarship
这个教育学院奖表彰那些有学术成就记录的新生, and are pursuing a degree in elementary education, physical education, childhood studies and sport studies. 该奖学金至少为1,000美元,并可根据令人满意的学习成绩续签, 参加为该奖学金设计的服务活动,并继续在教育学院就读. 申请人必须具有90或更高的高中GPA,并且至少有1080(数学) & Evidence Based Reading & Writing) on the SAT OR 20.ACT成绩达到5分或更高,同时填写一份显示经济需求的FAFSA.
There is no application for this scholarship. 上述标准将用于学生的入学申请,以供奖励考虑, as well as financial need (freshmen).
Freshman scholarships are applied toward tuition and fees.
Freshman scholarships require full-time attendance.
Generally, 一个学生不能从以上一个类别中获得新生奖学金. 接受ROTC、学费交换和学费减免的学生没有资格获得这些奖励.